Boat Info

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 Finally a sailing-related post!  So, I've been itching to get organized with my food provisioning for the winter....I know it's a bit early, but it's a fun activity for me so I decided to go on and get some of the long-shelf life items in hand.This summer, we took ALL of the food off the boat, carefully recording what we had left over.  We compared this to the "starting list" from last fall - and now we know what we consumed of our stores during the winter.....

With this list in hand, I'll put the appropriate approximation of food required back on the boat.   Here's a page from the list - it's 6 pages long.

I have # labeled bins - so I know where to look for stuff - amazingly easy to lose track of stuff on the boat!

And I have lots of canned goods that will be stored in cabinets on the boat (not in bins)

And some paper goods that will be stored in double wrapped plastic bags in the outside bow compartments on the boat.

There will still be many trips to the grocery store over the next month - lots of fresh/frozen stuff that will wait to the last minute.  And wine, of course!


  1. Back on Meshugga. Doing the same. Every long term locker unpacked and taking stock. Doing the math and ordering/ shopping. What a huge event.

  2. Hey K,
    ...I can't believe it's time for provisioning again...everything looks super neat and organized though...
