Boat Info

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 Sorry to bore you with land-lubber chores!  We'll get back to sailing soon.

Last fall we left the graded area with grass seed and straw, hoping for the best.  But as you may recall, the area was muddy and lumpy and unwork-able.  

Fast forward to now - the grass has struggled to grow and the grading was not very even.   This was not too much the fault of the contractor because the dirt was just too muddy to finish it off properly.  

So Duane got out the equipment to remedy the situation.

And a few hours moving dirt around.

Some measuring to make sure the ground will drain properly.

 We'll get this seeded and mulched - hopefully we'll have a nice stand of grass next year!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...well now that Duane is on it I'm sure it will be perfect...
