Boat Info

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Oriental, NC

 The hatch over our berth has had hairline cracks in it since we bought the boat.  It leaked a little temporarily until Duane found a product - Capt Tolly's Creeping Crack Seal.  This worked for several years until a visitor decided to step with his full weight right on the middle of the hatch.  Amazing - this is another boater that did this and should have known better!  Anyway, time to replace the 3/8" plastic lens.  The manufacturer no longer supports these hatches (they want to sell you a $700+ new one, of course).

So we carefully measured the lens and ordered a new one from a company that specializes in marine plastics in Florida.  (Ceasy Plastics if you're interested.)  They did a great job, perfect fit.

Next step was to remove ALL of the old black sealant.  This was accomplished in the hot sun using putty knives, razor blades and surprisingly the pointy end of a wooden clothespin.   The aluminum all nice and clean - the new sealant supposedly would not stick to old sealant.


I placed an old sheet over our berth below the hatch to catch all the old black caulk!

 I carefully taped the edges with masking tape to prep for the installation of the new lens.

Then got to work filling the space between the lens and the frame with a special caulk.  (I was surprised to fine this photo on my phone without my awareness - thanks Duane).


Caulking finished, now it needs to cure before engaging the latches.

I removed the masking tape so it wouldn't get all "gooey" out in the sun as the hatch needs to stay un-latched for a couple of days to fully cure.

All pretty and crack free with the masking removed!

Thinking I might get a NO STEP sticker!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...another perfect job completed...good trick with the clothespin...and neat to see your tie-dyed sheets...
