Boat Info

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Mills River, NC

Progress on the porch!

This morning Tyler and Aaron came over to lend muscle!  (My camera had dust on it so the photo is a bit fuzzy.)


Getting the 6x6" posts ready.

Cleaned the camera lens off and it looks a lot better!

Setting the first upright post on the new footing.


And preparing to lift the big 6x6x16' beam.


Up it goes!


Really glad to have Aaron and Tyler to do the tall/heavy lifting!

Bridget and Peyton visiting.  Ashlee and the girls were here as well but I didn't manage to snap a photo.


The girls were all busy in the morning getting ready for the 80th birthday party in the evening.

Work on the porch continues.


Tyler hammering away.


And Eddie getting in some stapling.


And that's where we called it quits for the day.


Up to the party at Keith and Denise's.  A great gathering to celebrate Mom's 80th birthday. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, is one big heavy beam...and the party was definitely excellent...great to see everyone...
