Boat Info

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Pittsboro - Oriental, NC

We had a little sojourn from Oriental to Chapel Hill to take Duane to the eye doctor.  He had gotten a scratch on one of his eyes last week - and it was really becoming a problem. A visit Sunday to urgent care sent him away with a antibiotic ointment, but that was not helping at all.  His vision in that eye was blurry.  

So after a few days of no improvement we got an appointment at the UNC eye center.   It's just 3 hours driving, so not that big of a deal.  

He's doing much better now - they diagnosed a cut on his cornea that was healing with scar tissue, keeping his pupil from dilating.  He is being treated with steroid eye drops and drops to keep that eye dilated for a month.  Should be fine!

We stayed at the house for the night and got a few chores done.

Back to the boat now!  Looks a little lonely without What If.  They're still in New Bern at the boatyard getting their lightning strike repairs done.





1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...Ouch!...poor Duane...glad he's on the mend...
