Boat Info

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 More outside work.  The temperature was only around 90F, so much better.  Haha.  No.  

Spreading out a couple of loads of dusty-dry dirt to level the new drainage area.  Lots of roots to pick out.


Seeded, fertilized - ran out of straw half way thru.  Hoping for some gentle rain soon.

And more tree felling!!!

Duane wanted to get rid of some trees on the back side of the hangar that were leaning just a bit too much towards the hangar.  

This makes me nervous!!

He cuts a big chunk out of the base in the direction he wants it to fall.  You can visually see that the tree is leaning towards the hangar. 



Scary to watch - perfect aim though - the branches just lightly brush over the edge of the building.



And then it was just a bunch of cleaning up the limbs.  Our life for the past few days!


All done - Duane will cut these into 12' lengths and give them to our neighbor with the sawmill!  Doesn't look that big, but I paced it off and measured about 66' left after trimming.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...big trees falling are pretty amazing to watch...reminds me of our days gathering firewood with E...that one landed pretty perfectly!
