Boat Info

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

More tree work.


 Hauling off the brush and trimmings.


 Then our neighbor, who has a sawmill, came over with his trailer to pick up some free wood!  (And get it out of our way!)



Cool little trailer.  Duane was able to use the fork lift on the front of the tractor to easily load the heavy logs.


And a short little garden update.  Some of the tomatoes are ripening....not the greatest.  Not sure the soil is quite right for tomatoes.


And also courtesy of Denise and Keith, these poblano (I think) peppers are doing quite well.


And towards the end of a very hot day, Duane changed out a noisy wheel bearing on our car....busy!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...y'all have definitely been busy at the homeplace...I'll have to post about my lone butternut squash...haha...I planted a couple of seeds beside the a/c unit...and there's one (ONE) nice looking squash...we had some other small ones but they've all turned brown and died...not sure why...I water it every day...
