Boat Info

Monday, August 2, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 We're back at the house for a while.  We have our annual physical appointments, Duane's FAA medical appointment and our niece's wedding coming up in the next few weeks, so we'll be in Pittsboro for a while.

Our buddy Cecil has been keeping his Cessna 190 in our hangar over the winter while he built a nice hangar at the Sanford airport.  His hangar is now complete so it was moving day.  (Unlike our airplane, his old Cessna has a radial engine - it's normally very "smoky" so no worries about the blue trail....)


A quick flight in our Mooney over to the Sanford airport (Raleigh Executive Airport to be exact) and we'll pick up Cecil so he can retrieve his vehicle at our house.


Very nice brand new hangar!!  Fun little sojourn.


With plenty of room for all Cecil's toys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that was so nice of y' does look really nice...
