Boat Info

Monday, August 30, 2021

Oriental, NC

 There's always something happening.....

You may have heard of pine beetles and their destructive force.  We've got several trees on the lot at Oriental that have been infected and killed by the nasty creatures.  

Duane wanted to take this one down in particular since it's closest to the little house next door.  Ed and Duane working together - Ed with the wedge/sledgehammer and Duane with the chainsaw.

Duane had cut the wedge in the tree with the chainsaw to make the tree fall the direction he wanted.  Ed used the sledgehammer to drive the wedge in and send the tree falling.  Timmmmbeerrrrr!

Always fun to watch trees falling!


Sawed it all into manageable pieces.


Then piled it up on the stump to safely burn.  Nice hot fire - getting rid of the beetles at least from that tree!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah...those bugs can do a lot of damage...nice tree felling though...and I know you need a good bonfire...haha
