Boat Info

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Oriental, NC

 Off to Oriental with a pickup truck full of stuff as usual.  I picked all the veggies from our little plot to take with me.


First order of business at the boat is to replace the radar.  Our old one ceased to operate last year.  Lucky we had our buddies on What IF with us for most of the time with their working radar!

The old one is about 10 years old.  The manufacturer charges $1200 just to diagnose an issue and it's not something that we can fix on our own.  So the decision was made to replace with a new one.

 Duane removed it and it's very long cable that is snaked thru the stainless arch tubing.


And we ordered a new one - while we were at it - got a "bundle" with a new chart plotter as well.  (The chart plotter is working fine but nice to upgrade!)  We picked it up at the electronics shop in Oriental.


And after a bit of tugging/pulling/cursing....the new wire is snaked and we'll finish the install tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what a nice new radar thing-y you've got...and your veggies look delish...
