Boat Info

Monday, July 19, 2021

Oriental, NC

 Getting one chore marked off the list - our aft air conditioning unit has been cutting off - probably due to a build-up of "critters" - mainly barnacles and debris that gets constantly sucked thru the water-cooled system.  The solution is to flush out the system using muriatic acid.

Duane rigged up this closed loop system and let the pump circulate the acid solution for a couple of hours.


Looks like it was sucsessful - should be good for another few years.  Off to Ocracoke for the week!  More later.


  1. Got to tell Nicholas about the Muratic Acid flush. We hardly ever run our air, except in Summer here on the East coast!
    Good idea to keep those pipes clean

  2. Hey K,
    ...that sounds like a pretty nasty job...glad it worked...
