Boat Info

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Oriental, NC

I've been complaining for a couple of years that the fans in our berth are not the best.   They are a good brand, but they don't put out as much air as I'd like.   Plus they're pretty noisy on medium or high.....


So I ordered a couple of these fans - we have similar ones in the salon area and they are terrific.  So quiet and they move a lot of air for such a small fan.


Installed - much better! (Two installed - one within easy reach of both of us.)    An added bonus is that these fans pivot/swivel all around so it's easy to point them exactly where you want.  We'll appreciate them on the very few muggy nights we get in the Bahamas.

We ended the evening with a picnic courtesy of Ed and Cathy.  They'd invited neighbors Donna and Jerry from Bluejacket to join us.  Fun catching up!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...nice that you got new fans...always nice to be cool and comfortable...looks like a nice gathering of friends...
