Boat Info

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Oriental, NC

 More projects - this one all Duane's!

He's installing another set of lithium batteries - bringing the total to 600AH.  Here he's got all of the batteries out  doing the initial balance.   Yay!  More power for me!

And installed back in it's "home".  Just a few items needed to do the final securing to make it "sea-worthy".

As we were enjoying happy hour and left-over pizza outside with Ed & Cathy, a storm was brewing.   We ended up 1/2 way through dinner scurrying back to the boat.


As is oftentimes the case, the storm skirted us and never really was a problem.  It made for a pretty sunset though!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    YAY for more battery power...and for gorgeous sunsets...
