Boat Info

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Oriental, NC

 It was raining when we arrived at the boat.....Ed and Cathy's RV is at the lot.  They're slowly making their way here in What If, set to arrive at the dock here in a week or so.


The boat was a bit moldy on the outside after our long absence. We'll have to do a bit of cleanup tomorrow.

 The rain continued for a while.


But as often is the case, the skies did clear up somewhat and left a peaceful view.


The skies clearing was important because it's time for the Oriental fireworks!  After dinner, off to Pecan grove for our prime seating to view the fireworks.  We arrived a bit early so we wandered the docks.  The marina looks great with lots of boats filling the slips.


We got the last two Adirondack chairs on the porch and settled in as the skies darkened.


And before long, the first fireworks were blasting off.  Happy to see since the rain earlier had threatened to cancel the event.

A nice show.


I won't bore you with too many get the idea.  Beautiful night and a great view.

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