Boat Info

Monday, June 7, 2021

Pittsboro, NC


Duane is digging up a drain out by the hangar. 

It's a low spot that he had joined three other drain pipes many, many years ago, draining various areas of the yard/woods.  Unfortunately, it had eroded somewhat under all that concrete and he wanted to get it fixed before it got any worse and created a huge sink hole!  You can see the outline of the previous square concrete pad he busted and dug up this morning.

 And here you can see how all the pipes from the 3 drains come together.

Previously, the concrete was "capped" by this old grate from a BBQ grill.  

That grate  worked pretty well, but it was a bit flimsy.   When we were up at Mom's visiting, she gave us a "great - grate".  This one MUCH more substantial.

 Will be fun to see it all go back together!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...of course that looks like a lot of work...and the new grate looks perfect...I'm sure you're "grateful" for it...haha...
