Boat Info

Friday, June 4, 2021

Pittsboro, NC


Last night we finished the BBC series Merlin.  It's five seasons so we've been watching a couple of episodes a night for many weeks now.  Really enjoyed it and wanted to pass that along if anyone is interested in a family friendly distraction. (It's a old program so probably readily available).


OK, on to activities - this is about as far away from sailing as you can get!!!

I decided that I didn't really like the idea of the veggie plants being on the I decided I'd use the flower bed out in the full sun.  All the bulbs (iris, daffodils, red rockets) have bloomed this year, so there's really not much else happening in this flowerbed for the rest of the summer.


So I got out the nice new weed-eater Richard loaned me and made short work of cutting it all down.  I know, you really shouldn't cut the stalks before they're yellowed, but I've done it before with little problem.


And then I toted many wheel barrow loads of mulch from the leftover pile up near the house in the woods.


So now I've got a nice thick layer of mulch.  I'll dig down into/around the bulbs and plant the veggies from the deck.  They should do well here - the soil is very rich from many years of mulching the flowers.


Since I was already wet and weedy, I went out with the weed-eater for a little more trimming.  This is the area that has a bunch of rocks and mounds of dirt - a little too rough for a lawn mower yet.


I'm tired now!!  I'll plant the veggies tomorrow.  Time for a shower and some Kindle time!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, was a lot of work...I'm sure you are tired...and I'm sure the veggies will like that plot better than a pot...and won't require quite so much 'tending'...
