Boat Info

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

 We've been trying to smooth out the newly seeded lawn area.  It was very rough and lumpy when we left last fall - nothing we could do at the time because it was so incredibly wet.  We had to just seed it and leave since it was time to head to the Bahamas.

But now we've been tilling up areas, moving dirt around to fill in low spots.  And picking up rocks....lots and lots of rocks.  

Unfortunately, it's going to be sunny and hot for the next week.  I suspect most of the grass that is left growing will die off.  We'll seed it again and hope for the best again this fall.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...again ...that looks like a lot of least it's been a little bit cooler and less humid the past couple of days...I'm sure it will look awesome once it's covered with grass again...
