Boat Info

Monday, May 17, 2021

Pittsboro, NC

We had the kids over for dinner the first time since our return.   

Since my sis uses a George Forman Grill for a lot of cooking, I decided to run down to the PTA thrift shop in town and see if they had one - sure enough - they had 3!  The price was $4.  (The first one I got actually didn't work, so I took that back and traded for one that does work.)



 I'm tickled with the results.  I marinated tofu and grilled it.  Then I grilled a bunch of squash but  forgot to take a photo of the squash.  It turned out lovely and browned as well.


For Robert and I,  seared tuna and wahoo.  Yum!!


We took a stroll around the house to look at the newly grassed area.


And then we measured the big pine tree.  Apparently there is a tree that Richard and Miranda have seen somewhere and there is a question about which tree is bigger.....I'll update when I hear!


And to cap off a wonderful evening, games of pool!

Miranda concentrating on her next shot.

 We were playing doubles - good fun.  We played several rounds - and various folks won.



  1. Hey K,
    ...what fun to see the 'boys'...and your Foreman Grilled tofu does look delicious...what did you use for marinade...

  2. Hey T, just bottled General Tso's sauce plus some extra soy sauce. I soaked it all day so it really sunk into the tofu. I also baked it for about an hour at 300 to dry it out a bit and keep it warm while I was grilling the other items on the George Foreman.
