Boat Info

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Thompson Bay, Long Island, Bahamas

 We started the day by taking the boat over to the Long Island Petroleum dock to top off our tanks with diesel fuel.  First time we've been at a dock in over 4 months!



Helpful and friendly dock hand.  Time to put on a mask for the first time in several months (I know, we were spoiled in the Raggeds!)  There are zero cases of Covid on this island but best to be careful for everyone's sake.)



You have to go up the hill to the gas station to pay for the fuel.


The same friendly lady was behind the counter.  I couldn't resist buying a treat - a slice of homemade chocolate cake!


Back down the hill to the boat.

We moved the boat back over to the anchorage - we had a date with Leslie and Ralph from Now & Zen for lunch.  They are anchored on the other side of the island - they had a rental car for the day and offered to pick us up.  

Walking up the hill from the dinghy dock to meet them, it was nice to see colorful flowers.  The Ragged Islands don't have many flowers! 

 We decided to try the beach bar at Stella Maris since it's nice and open to the breezes.  On the way there, we stopped to take a look at a small cave - they used to serve dinners in the cave, diners were seated on these concrete benches.  Neat idea but looks abandoned.


The old boat in the background was set up as a bar and there was a grill pit as well. 


On to the Stella Maris resort - pretty much abandoned as well.  The beautiful view out on the Atlantic.


Sorry to gush about food, but this is the first restaurant food we've had in over 5 months! 


We had called ahead to make sure they were open - we were the only patrons as we sat and chatted for a couple of hours.  Strange.


 Our server took a nice photo of the group.


Had a nice little stroll around the property.


This area is called "Nature's Pool" by the resort. It's a pool dredged out of the limestone.  The tides pushes ocean water in calmly.  Cool but by no means "natural".


And before long it was time to go back to the boat as the rental car was due back.  Fun outing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that's quite a hunk of cake you've got there...haha...the cave-restaurant looks really neat...they have that type of pool in France fills up at high tide and then people swim in them...
