Boat Info

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Powell Cay, Abacos, Bahamas

 We sailed about 10 miles north to Powell Cay.


Went ashore for one last walk in the Bahamas this season.


This trail was a little more overgrown than the last one, but we managed.


Coming out on the ocean side.  A little different view than normal with some grass and actual trees.


Beautiful beach, we decided to walk around the point of the island to get back to the anchorage instead of back-tracking on the same trail.


Tough going on part of the walk on this eroded limestone.


Cool little coves.


At one point we had to take our shoes off and walk across this weirdly spongy surface at the shoreline.


The shore was littered with these tree carcasses from (I assume) Hurricane Dorian.


And then at another point, we had to leave our shoes on and wade thru the rocky surf to get around the point.


Paused for a selfie!


Pretty large starfish at the water's edge.


And the circuit was complete in about an hour, back to the dinghy with Sojourn in the background.


I had one last chore I've been putting off - scrubbing the waterline just on the underside of the boat.  The rest of the boat is nice and clean still - the bottom paint is looking really good.  But where it's shady all the time under the boat, this green algae has taken root.  So equipped with Scotch-brite pad and a handy suction cup (to help me stay in place as I scrub - thanks Ed and Cathy for giving me their spare), I scrubbed it all clean.


Good as new - although I suspect it will grow back.  I just wanted to get it done before we are in the very murky waters in the US.


And as I was scrubbing the boat, I saw this lovely huge starfish.  It's well over a foot across.  Something cool and other-worldly about starfish!


Here are my beach finds for the walk earlier in the day.  The purple glass is the neck of a bottle - I suspect it was once clear and the sun has tinted it purple.  (I read that manganese as a component in some glass turns purple with UV exposure).


And a lovely sunset.  Tomorrow we'll sail to Great Sale Cay and then hop off for the sail over to the east coast.  We should have internet at Great Sale, but it is very remote - I'll send notices on the SSB if we lose coverage.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, the looks like an adventurous walk...
