Boat Info

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Johnson Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We started the day with a couple of last minute items.  

Duane had seen a 55 gallon drum half-buried on the ocean side of Hog Cay.  It would be perfect for a step up onto the new trail.

It was full of sand, so he brought a shovel.


Rigged up a harness and started carrying it back down the 1/2 mile trail to the bay side.


It would have taken me hours to push/pull/roll it back down the narrow trail!!


A final view this season of Mesuggha and Sojourn at Hog Cay.


Feeling rather nostalgic and we've not even left yet!!


Here is what we did with the 55 gallon drum - dug a hole and buried it to the level required for a decent step up onto the cliff side.  And we hauled a few large rocks over in the dinghy for stationary steps.

So now the trail is mostly complete!  Dee is planning to add a bit more flotsam trail markings.  Will be fun next season to see how it fairs over the summer.


Visited with Nicholas and Dee one last time - they're making good progress on their roof project!!  


They brought all their supplies with them (including 10 - 5 gallon drums of epoxies/resins/etc!! It's a big boat!)


And the final chore was to climb into the rafters of the cruiser hut and add "2021" to our Sojourn plaque.

Hugs bye to Nicholas and Dee - then we're off with sails up.  (You can't see them, but Nicholas and Dee are on shore waving good-bye to us).  Mesuggha will likely be the only boat at Hog Cay for most of the time now until they return to the States in the next month or so.


We had a very pleasant wing-on-wing sail just about 5 miles north to Johnson Cay.


We'd never been to Johnson Cay - it is a small anchorage that is pretty exposed - so the timing was never right for us before.


Approaching the anchorage.  There is only room for 2-3 boats.


 But it's really one of the prettiest bays.


We went for a nice walk all around the small cay.


Sojourn at anchor in the distance.


 Lovely little bays and rocky shoreline.

A panoramic movie clip of this lovely bay:




And we were treated to a spectacular sunset!!!  (no special settings on the camera!!)

We will likely be out of internet range for a day or two while we transit the northern Ragged Islands, so look for a SSB email from me if you're on that mailing list.  (If you're not on the email list - send me your email and I'll add you!)

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