Boat Info

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Putting some finishing touches on the new trail.  Two of the boats from Germany, Easy One and Flora, were preparing to walk the trail.  They volunteered to help mark the trail.  Very nice of them since many hands make quick work!!


Thanks to Andrea from Easy One for some of the photos! 

The pile of flotsam Duane and I had gathered from the ocean beach.

 The trail head.

 We just set out and tied items to the trees as we walked the path.

 At the other end of the trail in the next bay.

Good team effort!


We'll continue to bring some items over from the ocean beach as the trail needs a few more markers.

 I stopped by to take a look at Nicholas's project - a huge fiberglass hard-top for their boat.  They brought all their supplies with them - he'll use the next month or so to build the top and install it.  (It will replace a deteriorated sunbrella bimini top).  A huge undertaking!


Later in the day, Duane and I went for another walk....this time using the new trail to make a complete loop back to the cruiser hut.

I guess I used enough calories for another candy bar!!

  View of a salt pond.


Very rocky shoreline.  No trail here, we were just walking thru the brambles where ever we could manage.


Beautiful views - I'm taking it all in with special care because we'll soon be leaving.....


And back around to Sojourn - only 4 boats left in Hog Cay now.

No photos, but Dee and Nicholas had invited us over for a dinner.  Since we'll be leaving in the next day or two, time is slipping by.....wonderful meal and the conversation lasted until almost 11:30PM!!!  (I'd left my watch off and had no idea what time it was until we got back to the boat! As you all know, this is well past "cruiser midnight" which is about 9PM....)

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...good work on the trail...that will be nice for others to find...
