Boat Info

Monday, April 26, 2021

Green Turtle Cay, Abacos, Bahamas

 We had a positively delightful sail north about 25 miles to Green Turtle Cay.  Transitioning "the Whale" - a cut on either side of Whale Cay - is usually a bit bumpy because it's open to the ocean swells.  Today it was fairly smooth due to the wind direction.   Crossed paths with this lovely Canadian boat with shortened sails.  We left our sails fully up and were rewarded with a very fast passage.


In the distance, we were following Purrfect,  Chris and Allison from Canada.  They will be crossing to the US probably the same time we are.



The fancy beachfront houses along the Treasure Cay coast in the distance.

Going in the channel into White Sound, you could easily see the hurricane damage. 


The Green Turtle Club is well repaired though.


We went for an afternoon walk.  We've been to this area several times, but we've only come ashore for fuel, garbage disposal, etc.  It is a lovely island.


On the other side of the bay - Sojourn is in the center.


We walked over to the Bluff House area and turned around.


Lots of the houses are fairly well repaired, several look like they have a few finishing touches with equipment and supplies in the yard.


These little resort houses don't look like they're occupied though.


And there's the occasional house that has been left just as it was after Dorian.


A lovely walk.


Back to the boat!  Early night, customs tomorrow to do our outbound clearance paperwork.


  1. Hey K,
    ...glad they're getting things repaired...did you see any green turtles this time...

  2. Yes we did! There was a friendly one in the anchorage - but every time it surfaced, I didn't have the camera, of course!
