Boat Info

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 First thing in the morning, we cut each other's hair....long overdue.  Then we took a nice 3 mile hike, this time on the Ragged Island shoreline.

Again, I'll let you enjoy the scenery.

And here are a couple of short videos.

A couple of new boats are in the anchorage with us now - Bedouin and Kaimana.  We'd met the crew from Kaimana in Hog Cay a couple of months ago, he's American and she is Austrailian.  The crew from Bedouin are from South Africa.  Both boats will be going to the Pacific as soon as the world has Covid under control.   The anchorage is quite the cosmopolitan place!

Sundown gathering looking larger.  (Remember, all these folks have been in the out islands for several months with no Covid exposure).

Another pretty sunset with a few more dinghies on shore.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...another pretty walk...loved the videos of the crab and the shore...
