Boat Info

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 In the late afternoon, we put our rain jackets on to try to stay dry on the short dinghy ride over to Meshugga.  The winds are still blowing 25+ knots steady and the anchorage is choppy.  

Dee and Nicholas have taught us a new-to-us card game called Durak.  It's very popular in Russia, we understand.  The name means "The Fool or The Idiot".  To play, you try to get rid of all your cards - the person left in the end with any cards is deemed "The Idiot".  Haha.  Good fun.


We played for hours, just chatting and enjoying the afternoon.




Time to head back to our boats - the ride back was better as it was down-wind.  A fun day!


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