Boat Info

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We set out for a bit of snorkeling in the morning.  Jerry and Donna were ashore at low tide to fly their kites.  I tried to get a photo but they were just too far away.  Looked like they were having a good time.

Strangely, this school of jacks circled me for a few minutes as I was swimming between reefs.  They're each about 1 foot long.   I felt a little weird because I was wondering if their behavior was somehow related to their instincts protecting them from a predator.....but they eventually swam away and I saw no predator (shark).


Duane heading down to investigate something on the bottom.


Pretty coral and a deep sandy bottom.



Heading back to the boat with no catch today.



Back to Sojourn....this is such a lovely protected anchorage, it's hard to move....


Over to What If for sundowners with all 4 boats in attendance.  Always fun and a pretty sunset.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    Pretty underwater shots...lots of fishies...we've been watching that crazy trial going on in the weird...
