Boat Info

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 Duane and I took a long walk - about 4 miles round trip into Duncan Town.  Jerry had told us that we could walk the shoreline on the ocean side into town, so that's what we did.

Beautiful but rugged coastline.  Careful where you step!


This huge bouy must have washed ashore during a storm.


A couple of lovely little bays in addition to the spiky limestone shore.




Always some goats running around town.  This 2 story building looks good from a distance, but up close it's completely falling apart.  The damage from Hurricane Irma with 185 mph winds was never repaired.  




We had heard from Leslie and Ralph that Maxine had some cabbage.  So we stopped by her place and found her out back cleaning/picking out lobster heads and antenna.  She took a break and opened the store to sell us a couple of heads of cabbage.  One for Bluejacket and one we split with What If.  



Stopped by the Ponderosa for a little refreshment before the walk back.


The walk back always seems longer!!  



These are a couple of shots that Ralph took of the anchorage with his drone.  Sojourn in the middle.



1 comment:

  1. ...that looks like a nicer hike than the one up the road...where on earth did that huge buoy come the little goaties running around...
