Boat Info

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We had another quiet chore day.  Making fresh water, washing clothes, etc.  

I had found this wooden piece in the surf - and didn't quite know it's purpose.  So I asked the question on the Bahamas Cruising Facebook page, thinking someone would know the answer.  My simple question ended up being quite the "joke thread" for some reason as 129 folks either answered the question with useful information or made amusing/off-color comments.  Strange what happens out there on the internet!!

The two common answers were:

It's a pestle (from a mortar and pestle set)

Or it could be a belaying pin from an old sailboat.


Either answer is pretty cool.

The usual sundown gathering - just a little larger again with Reach and Two of a Kind  added to the mix.  

1 comment:

  1. haha...that's funny...I immediately thought it was a mortar...but it could definitely be the boat thingy too...
