Boat Info

Monday, February 22, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We went for a little shore walk on one of the small barrier islands.



Beached the dinghy.


 And took a little walkabout.




A small foundation caught my eye - it looks fairly recent and abandoned.



Later in the day, the sky turned grey and ominous.  Messugha and What If.



And Meriwether beside us.



We braved going ashore for sundown and were treated to a pretty little snippet of a rainbow.  The wind got blustery as rain approached.


A pretty sunset, we all scurried back to our boats before the rains came.  Nice to have all the salt cleaned off the decks though!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    That looks like another nice hike...and a pretty rainbow and sunset too...
