Boat Info

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 Out of an abundance of caution, our buddy Leslie from Now & Zen flew out to Georgetown in the morning to go to the doctor there (there is no doctor or clinic on the Ragged Islands).   It's only about 80 nautical miles. The only quick way to get there is to charter a plane.  She shared the northbound flight with another cruiser (Rita and Will's daughter who was leaving to go back to work in the States).


She's fine (great news), medicine dispensed right at the office just a couple of hours total for the appointment.  She ended up flying back to Duncan Town much quicker than she thought.  Ralph and their boat Now & Zen were still over at Hog Cay complicating a quick pick-up.   The pilot needed to be paid and Leslie was a bit short of cash - since we were by far the closest to the airport - we hopped in the dinghy and took her the cash she needed for the pilot so he could be on his way.  

Of course, we had to check out the plane - an older Piper Cherokee Six. Met the pilot, seemed like a nice fellow.




We took Leslie back to Sojourn to wait on Ralph to single-hand Now & Zen back over to the little anchorage a few hours later.  Had a nice visit with Leslie and she got a little rest while we waited for Ralph to come.

And our buddies that we met last year in Bimini, Jeff and Jeanna on Merriwether, sailed down with Ralph!  So nice to see them again.

 A great catching up with Jeff and Jeanna.



And a beautiful sunset finally after many days of dull ones!



We are well and truly spoiled!


1 comment:

  1. Glad your friend is better...and the improved sunset too...
