Boat Info

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 We took a very long walk....about 6 miles. 

We started at the northern tip of the island walking the shoreline.

The terrain varied from soft mushy sand to hard torturous limestone.

Gorgeous day!

Looking from the elevated rock back over the island and salt pond.


Little ghost crabs are everywhere.


Each little bay has it's own personality.



We're always on the lookout for sea glass - and this is by far the largest piece we've ever found.  It's tumbled and smooth on the edges like the smaller pieces, amazing that it stayed in one piece!  I decided to just take a photo and leave it in place since it's quite heavy and I have no idea what I would do with it. 

Just more beautiful shoreline.

When we got to the western side of the island, it was much calmer and shallow.

 To get back to the other side we set off on a pathway that was very rough, starting at a dried salt pond.

 I didn't take any more photos as it was just us pushing our way thru the low scrub and not very scenic.

Back to the boat, a nice hot shower and to the shore for sundowners.  

Here's today's tidbits from the shore.  (The brown bottle is an Anacin bottle from the 1940's!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...more neat sea glass...I think I remember Anacin bottles like that one...the kiddos went to a beach on Okinawa called "Sea Glass Beach"...they said there really was a lot of sea glass there...y'all should sail over there and meet them...haha...
