Boat Info

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Time to head up to Hog Cay - first thing in the morning on the high tide What If departed. 


And we followed - a beautiful sail about 10 miles.  Sails up anchorage-to-anchorage.

And in the afternoon I baked - bread for us and brownies to give to Maxine from Duncan Town. 


There are 25+ boats in the anchorage, most here for the Valentines Day party that Maxine puts on every year.  We're chosing not to attend since there are too many folks for our comfort level.  We'll move south again this morning to meet the mailboat and retrieve our veggies with What If.


1 comment:

  1. Looks like gorgeous sailing weather...the brownies and the bread look always...
