Boat Info

Friday, January 1, 2021

Raccoon Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We decided to move an hour south to Double Breasted Cay, just for a change in scenery I suppose.   Leaving the anchorage passing the Yacht "Qing" that has been anchored there for several days.


Pretty boat (and I don't usually like the color red on a boat).  I searched for info on this boat. 

I found an interesting article about the boat and it's owner.  Sounds like just a retired individual who is cruising the world with his family and crew of 8.  

I stole some photos from the article of the interior - this is how the other .01% lives!!




Anyway, back to our little adventure - the wind was gusting up to 30 knots in the open cut between the islands.  Pretty though. 




We arrived at Double Breasted Cay and anchored.....and immediately decided that the anchorage was too exposed and bouncy.


Hadn't even turned the engines off so just lifted the anchor and retraced our course back to Raccoon!  

Anchored in a little closer to shore for a pleasant afternoon.  Time for some laundry.  You gotta admit it's a nice place to do laundry!!!

Edit: Happy New Year!!!  Almost forgot.....for once we didn't make it to midnight.....

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year...we did stay up...just us and the kiddos...grandbaby of course was in bed already...
