Boat Info

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Little Ragged Island, Bahamas

 I spent the afternoon baking bread and making an artichoke dip to take in to happy hour on the beach.  Was so busy, I forgot to take any photos!

Everyone in the anchorage has been in the Raggeds for a while now so we aren't too concerned about Covid exposure.  


The usual gathering on the beach.  Donna has a wonderful aluminum foldup table that she brings from the boat.



This is Tugboat, one of Clark and Michelle's dogs.  As usual, dogs always seem to gravitate to Duane (who is pretty ambivalent about dogs!).




I took couples photos - Clark and Michelle from Roam




Ralph and Leslie from Now & Zen




Donna and Jerry from Bluejacket




Ed and Cathy from What IF



Russ and Carol from Spirit



And the lovely couple from Sojourn!



A fun gathering - and nobody needed to go back to the boat and cook dinner since we were all happily sated.  Pretty sunset and a nice little green flash over the clear horizon.



And a simultaneous pretty moon-rise!


1 comment:

  1. ...definitely the lovely couple from Sojourn!...what a nice photo of you is funny about dogs like that...and cats too...the Man doesn't even like cats...but Kitten is always trying to get him to cuddle...which NEVER happens...haha...
