Boat Info

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Yummy cheesey grits with the leftover lobster for breakfast.


The winds are forecast to clock around during the night as a weak cold front passes.  We decided that we'd just stay anchored at Hog Cay and ride it out.

What If and No More Mondays decided that they would sail the hour back down to Southside.  (Bluejacket had already gone down there yesterday).


We were busy making water and doing a few loads of laundry.


The anchorage looks pretty deserted with just 3 boats here now.


The winds aren't predicted to be terrible overnite, should be a nice day tomorrow.  I expect some of the folks from Southside to return.


  1. Hey K,
    ...I love vegan cheesy grits...we even had some over the weekend too...does the wind ever blow any of your clothes off the line?...

  2. Hey T, yeah, I have list just a few things over the years. Important things always get extra clothespins just to make sure!
