Boat Info

Saturday, December 5, 2020

West End, Bahamas

 Duane forgot to turn off the cellular service on his iPhone last night, so this morning when we got in range of BTC cell towers, his phone grabbed a signal and charged us for 24 hours of big deal - just $10.  But wouldn't want to pay that every day for the winter!  

So, one more post before we go "dark" for a few days.....

Back up to yesterday....we left Jensen Beach leisurely in the morning.



The trip seems longer because we had to wait for a couple of bridges to open (some open on demand, some open only on the half hour).




And one bridge only had one span opening -  we had plenty of room but it sure felt like a tight squeeze!



Approaching Lake Worth things started to look quite like a city.



After anchoring for a few hours and a nice brunch on What If, we departed Lake Worth right at sunset.


Not much to tell about the crossing - we had both sails up with a reef in the mail just in case the winds got up.  We started with one engine on low RPM but later in the night we shut that off and sailed the remainder under wind power alone.  Did our 3 hour shifts and it worked fine as usual.  


Arrived right at sunrise - a little too early at West End because customs doesn't open until 9AM.  We anchored outside and will wait here until they open.


And Duane put up our "Q" flag as we're required to do, and no one except the captain can leave the vessel until we clear customs.  (It's just a solid yellow flag).


 That's it for a few days.  We'll use some good weather to sail on this afternoon, probably to Eleuthera.  I'll post again as soon as we find some BTC sims for our cell phones.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good sail so far...and glad we got to hear from you one more time...
