Boat Info

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Vero Beach, Florida

 We now have a plan - depart from Lake Worth on Friday, arriving in the Bahamas on Saturday.  Knock wood that everything holds together and we can follow thru.  

We have to:

1 - get our Covid PCR tests done

2 - we have to get the negative results emailed to us

3 - we have to get a health visa from the Bahamian government using those negative results

4 - we have to check in with Bahamas customs & immigration before 5 days has elapsed since the test was done.

5 - in 5 days after reaching the Bahamas, we have to go to a Bahamian government location and get another Covid test

6 - then we are free to roam the Bahamas, but have to check in daily online with our health status.

 7 - of course we will have to abide by their rather strict mask rules, no problem.  We hope to be in the out islands well away from people



So, day 1 of this plan has been Tuesday. 

We ordered and received next day freight our Covid PCR swab tests from if anyone is interested.

Picked them up first thing from the community "mail cart" at the marina.


Easy to follow instructions, nasal swab just like you see in the news - put the tip in a vial of liquid, seal and ship back to the lab next day air freight.


We had a nice dinghy ride a couple of miles away to get to the nearest UPS drop box.   Beautiful but rather chilly day at 60 degrees!!  I'm definitely looking for warmer weather again!  

I decided to do a little "pre celebration" and pull out the last lobster from the freezer.  It didn't seem right going back to the Bahamas with a lobster from last year.....thawed Duane a steak since he's allergic to shellfish.  Just some lemon pepper, butter and lime juice for the lobster.  Schreiber steak seasoning, of course, for the steak.



Onto the grill, added hushpuppies and more butter for dipping, coleslaw and mac n cheese for a decent imitation of a Bahamian meal.


1 comment:

  1. That's really neat that you can get tested that way...we wanted to get tested before we visited Mom...but the only one of us 'eligible' was the when his test was Negative we sort of assumed we were all negative too...nothing to take too lightly though...good luck with your test!
