Boat Info

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Staniel Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

 Heading on south, we pulled out of the almost calm anchorage at Highbourne Cay.



Into the ocean thru the cut.


Pretty little beach near the inlet.



It was 5 hours of calm motoring.....we had 2 fishing poles in the water the entire day but no nibbles again.


In the late afternoon we pulled into the Staniel Cay dock for the first fuel we've purchased this season in the Bahamas.


I include this photo of the anchorage at the Thunderball Grotto because it is usually a very popular spot and very busy.  This year, not so much!


Anchored for the night, I made baked stuffed acorn squash for something different.  A couple of card games and called it a night!

Pretty sunset.

 And a pretty sunrise!


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