Boat Info

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Walking around Spanish Wells was a treat.  I love all the neat lawns and colorful houses. 



Walking to the east end of the island we relaxed at a little gazebo on the shore.  Pretty herons at low tide (or pretty nice big white birds, I'm not an expert...)


As we were wandering we ran into our friends from the airport Chris & Corina from Sublime and Fred and Ingrid from Gizmo.  We'll probably run into them again during the winter.


Took the opportunity to get a snapshot of our little group - don't get to do that much!  Took our masks down just for a minute for the photo.  (Sorry we were turned a little bit too much into the sun)


As we were walking we could see that many of the houses were decorated for Christmas on a grand scale.  Unfortunately I found that this does not photograph well in the daylight.  But I did want to include these dragons.  They would look well on someone's yard in Oriental!!!


In the afternoon, we were told to go to the doctor's office "near the Eagle's Landing restaurant".  Thought it was cool to have  a restaurant named after our airport!


Easy process to get another nasal swab Covid test.  And Yay! About 30 minutes later we all got our emails.  We're all negative again.  So this completes our requirements by the Bahamas government (unless we actually get sick, of course) and we are free to roam now.


 Another lovely sunset!  

 We'll set off tomorrow morning for Hatchet Bay on the mainland Eleuthera.  (The island of Eleuthera travel ban has been lifted so we are now free to go ashore anywhere.  There is a curfew in place 10PM to 5AM but we won't be ashore during that time).  

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,'s very pretty and upscale looking there...pretty sunset again!
