Boat Info

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Raccoon Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 The wind is still howling - 20-25 knots, but the air is warm and the sky is sunny.  

We do have  a new "neighbor" anchored out behind us.....


We took the dinghies and went north to some coral heads.



And we saw several sharks!!  This one was just sleeping on the bottom.


But this one was prowling.


Can you see the ray, half buried in the sand as camouflage?


 Duane speared a lobster.


And another shark sleeping amongst the coral.  (You can only see the gray body in the photo).


Back to the boat, lobster tail ready for the freezer - it needs a mate before it will be part of a meal.


I don't have a telephoto lens so the photo isn't the greatest.  The yacht anchored behind us apparently set up a gazebo tent on shore near the ruins we walked to yesterday - we saw several folks wandering the desolate beach.  At nightfall their huge dinghy sprinted them back to the "big boat".   They may be pampered, but we have the same million dollar views!


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