Can't believe it's almost Christmas!
I had been putting off doing the laundry for some reason....and by the time I had a load done, it started raining. (I know, I should have checked the radar...) So we strung up a line in the cockpit and it became the makeshift clothes dryer.
Later, we moved over to an anchorage closer to town. Wanted to go to the grocery store one last time before the holiday shut down.
In order to get to the dinghy dock, you have to go under the bridge - you can see the small opening in the center of the photo.
Things like this tickle me - not sure why but it's sortof like getting to drive thru a roadway tunnel when you were a kid.
The dinghy dock was empty compared to previous years! This normally is packed full of dinghies sometimes two deep. It was just the three Manta's dinghies today.
Off to the fairly well-stocked grocery store.
Ed and Cathy back at the dinghy dock with their haul of groceries.
Back to the boats - a little bit of a wet choppy ride going into the wind.
My take from the store - a fairly reasonable $36. (I only needed fresh items as I'm well stocked with staples. I couldn't resist the coconut bread since I haven't been able to re-create it acceptably on my own...)
Settled in for a blustery evening. Gentle rocking made sleeping easy. Had to close the hatches as it got a bit chilly!
It's going to be even more blustery for a couple of days so we'll move tomorrow to a more protected anchorage.