Boat Info

Friday, November 13, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

 One last post before we head back to Oriental to shove off south!!  If you're anywhere along the East Coast, you probably had rain the past few days.  

I wanted to show you the final before/after photos of the "dirt" project.

Here is the area right before we started our part of the excavation during a hard rain.


And here's what it looks like now.  No water visible even though it poured rain for 2 days.  The pipe is working as designed, filling Brian and Trish's pond to the brim.

Will be neat to see photos of this area when it's nice and green in a few weeks! 

We're all packed up with extra supplies, leaving this morning to head back to the boat.   Hope we don't forget anything!!


  1. Very informative excellent sharing.

  2. What an amazing's going to be really perfect once there is some grass...
