Boat Info

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

 Really winding down on the chores at home.....


Took a short little flight, just to get back airborne one last time before heading out.  Just buzzed around Jordan Lake and Pittsboro for a bit, calm and relaxing.


 The "dirt" is pretty much finished now!

This morning, the contractor smoothed out all the lumps.

And then the landscape guy started with the fertilizer, seed, straw.


And now it's all done!  Looking forward to Pat and Diane sending me photos of this area when it's nice an green in a week or two!!


And on boating prep sis can just scroll past this photo.  I cooked and vacuum packed some pork and beef roasts.  Duane says they turned out yummy (as I can't sample them of course).  These will be fun to pull out of the freezer over the next few months, already cooked!

Looks like we may be next week before we can head south due to rough weather.....


  1. The dirt looks amazing...I knew it would...can't wait to see it all greened you'll have to post those pic in absentia...


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