Boat Info

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

New Bern, NC

 The last day in the boatyard!  Yay!!  

We marked the chain again in 25' increments.  There are colored tiewraps on the chain at intervals, but they are hard to see as the chain is rushing by.  This bright paint may not last, but was a cheap experiment. 


Put the last coat of bottom paint on the saildrive.  We're experimenting with a non-copper bottom paint on the props as well.  It's really hard to find a paint that will stick long-term to the spinning props....we'll see if this one works out.


And all too early, the sun was setting.  Darn that "fall backwards" time change non-sense!  We'll be up early tomorrow for a 8AM splash if all goes as planned, we'll be back to our slip mid-day.


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