Boat Info

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Cocoa Beach, Florida

 We were up at first light since we had a long day ahead to make it to Cocoa Beach.

Sunrise at Daytona.


Uneventful long motoring day.  This is Kennedy Space Center in the distance.  The SpaceX rocket is over there ready for lanch tonight!

Anchored near the bridge at Cocoa Beach....perfect location to view the rocket launch tonight.

Rafted up the boats so we could just walk from one to the other for visiting tonight.  Did a little bo-bo to What If's railing - we'll have to get a welder to fix it in the next couple of days.

After a yummy red beans/rice/cornbread meal on What If, we played a game of hearts awaiting the 9:13PM launch.  Pitch black one moment.

And rumble was heard - the sky got rather bright - at exactly 9:13PM.

And we could clearly see the rocket blasting off.

It's carrying 60 of the satellites for the futuristic worldwide internet.  Way cool.

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