Boat Info

Thursday, October 15, 2020

New Bern, NC

The steps had gotten terribly stained during the summer with - Hurricane Isias pushed nasty water constantly up on the steps and caused the discoloration.  It's part tannic water stain and part algae.  Lots of elbow grease and Barkeeper's Friend.  The oxalic acid takes the rusty looking stains away.



Much better now.....and sanded almost ready for paint.

 Duane hard at work with the sander in his Tyvek "Zoot Suit".


And me looking like the Pilsbury Dough Boy in the puffy suit.

We have a areas that required a lot of sanding, but the hulls are in much better shape than 2 years ago.


And Duane is fixing my "boo boo" where I hit coral in Great Inagua last winter.  It looks much worse than it really is.  He ground off the repair epoxy and then ground a wide area off in order to lay up the new fiberglass.  He'll have it looking like new soon, I'm sure.

 When we got back to the camper, time for a shower.  Looked in the mirror for the first time - and I'm a "blue hair lady"!!  I guess the zoot suit with it's hood and the goggles didn't protect me completely.  Now worries, washes right out.  Hope the respirator caught most of it since it's reportedly quite toxic!




More sanding in store tomorrow!  At least we've got nice cool weather.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like a lot of nasty work...but I'm sure it will be perfect in the end...that's a funny (but pretty) picture of you...the blue tint makes your eyes look very careful with all that dust...
