Boat Info

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

 Finishing up the details on the pipe installation.  

Remember the 45 degree angle pipe I picked up a few weeks ago.  Finally time to connect that.  Again, Duane cut a hole in the 3' pipe, exactly where the connecting pipe needs to feed thru.


All positioned and sealed up with structural foam.  This area was then backfilled with loose stone and then covered in dirt, never to be seen again!


Similar install on the other end of the pipe.  This is where our original metal 3' pipe terminates.  In order to connect the metal pipe to the black plastic pipe (since they are not exactly made to mate) we ordered this thick asphalt "diaper" that simply wraps around both pipes and has metal pallet strapping that is tightened to keep it in place. Again, this is all buried and hopefully we'll never see it again!


After that bit of earth work was completed Duane got back to the rudder project.  A bit of work with a hand-planer smoothed out the rough pour-foam.  Next will be a couple of layers of fiberglass and epoxy, smoothing/sanding and then paint.  


And here's the view of the rough-graded terrain.  It will be a week or more before the mud is dried enough for the contractor to return for finish grading and seeding.  We may have to see that via photographs since we hope to be moving south in the boat by then!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow what a difference...just one job after another for you two...
