Boat Info

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

New Bern, NC

The first order of business of the day was to start the "insurance survey".  Our original boat insurance company has decided to stop insuring boats of our size and cruising area, so a lot of folks we know are now searching for a new company.  We've found one, but they require that the boat be inspected by a certified surveyor before they'll accept the risk.  

So, we hired Rob Eberle for the inspection.  He spent the day plowing through the boat, almost literally looking at things thru a microscope!  All was well, we'll get his report in a few days to send in for approval.


 The boat yard was a bit slow getting us lifted out of the water.  Around noon What If finally going into the slings.



And a couple of hours later, they're lifting Sojourn.


Yucky bottom!!  This will all have to be sanded off before repainting.



After a brief pressure washing by the yard, they drive Sojourn to a spot beside What If where we'll be for a week or so while we do some minor repairs and prep/paint the bottom.



The two amgios,  


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