Boat Info

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Pittsboro, NC

 We loaded up and drove back to Pittsboro.   The batteries are charging well and I'm glad to have that saga mostly over!  

On our way out we stopped by the mailbox - and there was a surprise inside!

My sweet sissie sent me some of these spices.  I had commented that I loved it but couldn't find it local.  (She had given me my first bottle in my birthday package earlier this year).


Now I have plenty!  I'll vacuum seal a few of them to make sure that they stay fresh.

The spice is an blend and it's just perfect for my taste, I guess.  It's salty, savory and a bit of "heat".  I've been sprinkling it on much more than greens.  Broccoli, green beans, chicken breast, etc. 

Always fun to get a surprise!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! glad those arrived...of course I didn't try to mail them from home....haha...that's a good idea about vacuum sealing them...
