Boat Info

Monday, September 7, 2020

Oriental, NC

 I don't know if you remember but we bought a large anchor several years ago. The thought was that we'd put it out in the creek to use as a hurricane mooring.  Unfortunately, CAMA (Coastal Area Management Act) changed their rules last year and we can't install the mooring.  (Well, we could theoretically install it, but it would require a huge expense of marine surveyors and lawyers....)

So we gave up on that idea and advertised the anchor for sale.  (It was just in the way in the hangar).

Our buyer asked us to bring it to him, so we set out for a bit of a drive....we don't get out much lately so this actually was a bit of fun!  

Pretty scene in Washington.

And the pretty little town of Bath.  We've been to both of these places on the boat.                                  

My photography skills were not the best - but this is the buyer using his crane to lift the 500lb anchor off our pickup.  He's going to use the anchor on a  commercial fishing boat.

And we relaxed a bit on the way back, riding on the ferry from Bayview to Aurora.  Nice to get that done and off the "to do" list.

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